
Hong Kong, Change Location

Why Craigslist? There are over 60 million users on Craigslist that generate over 50 million page views each month. Craigslist isn’t for clunker cars anymore. The average price of a vehicle selling on Craigslist is $14,200. 33% of people that shop on Craigslist have incomes over $100K. Craigslist is the #1 source of foot traffic for dealerships.

Why we built this product. We know sometimes the most difficult part about software is reminding people to log in and use it. We also know that active listings on Craigslist results in leads. However, we see dealerships fall short when they attempt to use Craigslist themselves because they lack the process at the dealership to manage it or don’t commit the time to consistently post. Now they don’t have to!

Why our product? It works like a Craigslist export and automates the listings process. Our platform uses data analytics to post cars + trucks in a dealer’s inventory that perform best on Craigslist to maximize online marketing results. We also have in-depth analytics at work to quickly season your dealership to a top-rated Craigslist posting account and enable us to post more often, more effectively, and virtually eliminate flagging. We can also filter inventory preferences to post. ie. Dealer says, “Post all my used inventory under $30,000 and start with my lowest price inventory first.”

How it works: After you sign up we’ll send you a simple intake form to set your market, ad layout preferences and budget. After the intake form is complete, all a dealer needs to do is respond to leads.

  • Posts daily to deliver a constant flow of inventory to Craigslist.
  • Renews every 48 hours and can auto-remove ads for sold units.
  • No Java or Craigslist account required.

Additional Markets
If dealers want to post to multiple markets they have the flexibility to do so manually. We are also able to fully automate additional market posting for a per market fee.

Leads and reporting
Consumers can communicate anyway they want with the dealership. Our call tracking service comes with every Craigslist package and supports PHONE, TEXT, EMAIL and LANDING PAGE leads. All exportable to your CRM.

Dealers can login anytime to view all Craigslist activity (live ads, leads, ad settings, etc.)

For More Information:
Contact us or call 800-282-2183.