Security Alert - Please Read

When logging in to your account, always double check that you are at the correct web address, and that your web browser recognizes that the page is secure and matches the security certificate (SSL) for Natco Trading Corporation.

The correct web address (URL) near the top of your browser must begin with:

The security certificate confirmation in your browser is usually indicated with a padlock symbol.

Some examples of what your address bar should show in a few common browsers:
secure login

Here’s an example of a browser address bar when arriving at a fake login page posted by scammers - note the lack of security confirmation on the padlock symbol and the incorrect web address:
fake login

Scammers sometimes send buyer inquiry emails to sellers on RVT, with a link that leads to a fake login page like the one above. This is often called a phishing or spoofing scam, and it is an attempt to obtain your username and password information. Again, please check all links carefully, double check the web address, and look for matching SSL security confirmation in your browser.

Thank you, support